When is it Time to Consider Homecare for your Elder in Philadelphia, PA?

Thanks to ongoing medical improvements, people’s average lifespans (71) are far greater than they were in 1960 (66.8). Unfortunately, those extra years do not mean having a good quality of life. Some people experience physical and mental issues that diminish their ability to handle daily necessities.


Families of such individuals naturally want to help. But the job of a caregiver is quite taxing. Trying to balance your responsibilities with providing for your loved one with what they need. This is the point at which you may start looking for alternatives. 


Realistically there are two options. They can look for facility care or consider homecare services in Philadelphia, PA, like those we provide at Stay at Home. It’s understandable that both the family and individual may have hesitations about facilities because of the stories they’ve read, considering the level of care. So, focusing on homecare in Philadelphia, PA, makes perfect sense. This is called aging in place


How do You Know for Sure It’s Time to consider homecare for your elder in Philadelphia, PA


Sometimes the family caregiver struggles with the idea of turning over the care of their elder to someone else. They struggle with being sure it’s the right step. Here are some signs you can watch for that, in turn, support your decision.

  • Daily Tasks: They may forget tasks altogether or hesitate before engaging due to uncertainty. Even something like opening a jar can illustrate if this is a problem.
  • Behavioral Issues: Some elders may begin lashing out. Others might adopt unhealthy habits like heavy drinking (when they have not done so before). Others still stop taking care of personal hygiene.
  • Disheveled Living Space: You can tell that dusting, vacuuming, and dishes languish. There are piles of unopened mail scattered on the table.
  • Fall Risk: It is not uncommon for individuals to experience unsteadiness where they need help. This may be combined with growing mobility issues.
  • Missing Medication: When you check their medication holder, you see missed days. This is a serious problem and one that cannot be stressed enough.


If you find yourself nodding your head as you read, it’s time to visit the doctor’s office for an assessment. This will also help you with insurance, as companies require MD documentation of the situation and the necessary level of care. 


homecare in philadelphia pa


Professional Help


If you talk to people who have remained in the caregiving position, they will tell you about Caregiver burnout is a real thing. It’s stressful, mentally and physically challenging, and sometimes very frustrating. A sweet niece who has been engaged in caregiving turns rather sour or even unpleasant to the individual. No one wants that kind of outcome. 


So avoid the frazzle and turn to professionals like those at Stay at Home. Your loved one remains in the comfort and familiarity of home. You have an aide who knows about safety issues and medication management. 


Get to Know Your Aide


By the way, you don’t have to zip out the door when your Aide arrives. In fact, stay for a while and see how the interaction progresses. When you find the right aide, they become a natural extension of your family, socializing with your elder, taking them to places or events, or just sitting and playing a game of cards. As time goes on, your professional caregiver can adapt to new needs as they arise. 


If you’d like more information about in-homecaregiving in Philadelphia, PA, give Stay at Home a call (215-355-9999) or use our online contact form. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.